We hold a great range of TRADITIONAL STOVES

The classic antique look for your home

Our traditional stoves are sourced from the very best suppliers in the U.K

Hand crafted in Devon, Dean Forge offer solid and traditional design and build quality combined with generous and efficient heat output. Charnwood is the country living brand, updating rustic and classic design with the newest technologies. With a passionate commitment to good design and intelligent engineering, Chesney's are the leading supplier of luxury antique fireplaces in the UK.

Dean Forge Stoves

Charnwood Stoves

​Chesney Stoves

Not Sure What You're Looking For?

Why not call and chat with one of our trained Stove Professionals to discuss your options. We are keen to answer any questions.

Call on 01334 848 913

Enquiry Form

We would love the opportunity to speak to you about your project requirements. 
Please fill out the form below and one of our stove professionals will get in touch to discuss your project in more detail.

Visit Our Showroom

We would be delighted for you to visit the showroom. Please feel free to call and make an appointment so we can ensure the right people are here to deal with your questions. However, if it is more convenient, by all means, just pop in if you are passing by.

Opening Hours

Monday: 9am - 5pm
Tuesday: 9am - 5pm
Wednesday: 9am - 5pm
Thursday: 9am - 5pm
Friday: 9am - 5pm
Saturday: 10am - 4pm
Sunday: Closed

Contact Us

Tel No: 01334 848 913

Email: sales@thestoveco.com



Unit 1
Avalon Business Park
St. Andrews
KY16 0UB

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